Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Click on Chrome Logo to go to the download page.

The Google Chrome (explanatory) Comic.

Update 2008-09(September)-07(Sunday):
So far ... possibly because I tend to have tens of tabs opened at the same time, I've found that Firefox is much faster than Chrome, which seems to slow to a crawl and then stops working altogether after opening more than a few of them.

As excited as I was bout Chrome, it got on my nerves. And so I'm writing this in Firefox 3. As of today Chrome doesn't even come close to it.

Admittedly I have not explored Chrome's every feature. And given that it's open-source, it is certain to improve. It's still in beta in any case. And it's probably already much better than ie (which undoubtedly sucks). It's just that Firefox users are spoiled. It's an amazing browser. And our expectations are very high. Give Chrome some time I guess.

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