Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Amazing LHC at CERN

Use the Force, Luke!

View of the ATLAS detector during July 2007 (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)

"This is not only the largest particle accelerator ever built, it's the largest ... anything ... ever built ...". Besides creating mini Big-Bangs, deadly strangelets and micro-black-holes, the LHC also has things like a "Time Projection Chamber"!?! Say ... what exactly does that do? :) In any case it's amazing just to look at. It's all very sciencefictiony.

Via "The Big Picture" from the Boson Globe, where they have many quality pictures of it (besides the LHC, it also hosts many other stunning photos).

Some Info Links:
The LHC on the BBC
Einstein Papers

PS) And just to show that we humans don't lack a sense of humour, there is also a hilarious article at Cracked magazine, in which the LHC features prominently, all about experiments that are likely to destroy the world.

And of course you just can't have doomsday without some kind of attempt at a soundtrack:

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